New & improved Dyna-Purge® C cuts downtime by 60% for custom injection molder.
Advance Plastics is a custom injection molder located in San Diego County, California. They specialize in custom molding for customers in industries worldwide, from sporting goods to aerospace. The company’s 35,000 square foot facility includes new, high technology, Nan Rong Mechanical molding machines ranging in size from 110 ton to 600 ton. Advance Plastics purges their molding equipment every time they change from color to a clear resin. The operation runs a variety of clear resins including PC. With 25 machines, downtime for purging can really add up. Black specks, residue and other contamination pose constant challenges.
The company’s Dyna-Purge representative recommended trying New & Improved Dyna-Purge® C. During the testing, Advance Plastics’ production manager said they found the new formula very easy to use. There was no ‘milky drag’ and black specks were eliminated.
- The company was able to cut machine downtime to 4 minutes with New & Improved Dyna-Purge C from 10 minutes with the purging method they had been using – a 60% reduction.
- In addition to less downtime, the plant can cut their cost to purge by 44% due to reducing the amount of production resin required to displace the purge compound.
- New & Improved Dyna-Purge C was developed as part of the company’s continuous product innovation program.